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Cricket South Africa: The Central Gauteng Lions appoints new Non-Independent Directors

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Cricket South Africa
Cricket South Africa
Cricket South Africa (CSA) governs cricket in South Africa. Formed in 2002, it succeeded the United Cricket Board of South Africa (UCB) and became the sole governing body in 2008. CSA oversees all levels of cricket, including national teams for men and women, and is a full ICC member and SASCOC affiliate.

Johannesburg, Saturday, 9 May 2020 – The Central Gauteng Lions (‘CGL’) held a successful Annual General Meeting (‘AGM’) today.

The following Non-Independent Directors were voted into office as part of the new leadership:

Ebrahim Lambat

Lucky Lesele

Lunga Kupiso

Mark Patterson

Earl Glennistor

Yasin Manack

Anne Vilas

The following three Alternate Directors were also appointed:

Dean Laing

Koketso Nthimbane

Mike Sacher

After a widely publicised call for the independent members nomination process, over 130 applications were received. A shortlist of 16 candidates was drawn up and, after a rigorous interview process led by two independent Professors, 5 candidates will be recommended to the newly appointed Non-Independent board members for approval.

The position of the Chairperson and President will be deliberated by the board and will be announced in due course.

BDO was appointed as the official company auditors and the annual remuneration was adopted by all members.

The AGM was conducted electronically via the Microsoft Teams platform with a full quorum. The South African Companies Act does allow for AGMs to be conducted electronically subject to certain requirements being fulfilled.

The AGM agenda was adopted by all members present which included the adoption of the members’ council’s previous minutes; tabling of the 2018/2019 CGL performance report (i.e. Chairperson, CEO, Treasurer and CFO’s report); election of the new Non-Independent Directors; confirm the appointment of Independent Directors; appointment of new auditors and remuneration and any other special business to consider.

The process of the meeting was cordial with the adoption of all performance reports as presented. All members submitted their votes for Non-Independent members electronically to the auditors.

In his final address, the CGL Chairperson and President, Jack Madiseng, welcomed all the members including the auditors and the CGL legal advisor who oversaw the AGM process.

Madiseng highlighted key CGL successes achieved in terms of growing cricket in the province and great strides and contribution from all stakeholders, clubs, Unions, and staff.

“The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the future of CGL is severe. CGL needs to adopt strategies in response to the pandemic disruption. This is the time to “RESET” as a Union, this virus does not have colour, it does not choose whether you are rich or poor, it affects everyone.

“We need to unite as a Union, we need to collectively take “Charge” of our own destiny, we need to work together to keep CGL as a well-oiled Union.

“The new leadership must also incorporate Judge Ngoepe’s findings on the challenges facing the Union in addition to advancement of women’s cricket, blind cricket, deaf cricket, the desire to take the sport to all corners of our region, including rural areas,” commented Madiseng.

In his closing remark, Madiseng said:

“I would like the clubs to understand that the highest decision-making body is the Members council which is made up of all clubs with voting rights.

“Unfortunately, critical decisions must be voted for when in doubt and, in any vote, there will be winners and losers, that’s life.

“We need to take it on the chin like sportsmen and sportswomen, embrace the majority decision, accept, and move on. In case there’s still issues, use the available dispute channels within the Union to find each other rather than going to various media platforms.

“As we go into voting our new non-independent leaders, I ask the clubs to ensure that they choose leaders that have the right EQ (Emotional Intelligence), Intellect, experience and most important, passion for this beautiful game that will contribute positively to navigate through these challenging times.

“This is the time to choose leaders that will roll up their sleeves, bring all their ethical networks into the CGL value chain and make it stronger and sustainable.

“I ask all clubs to avoid being emotional, this pandemic doesn’t choose colour nor your worth, let’s keep alive, because the reality of the situation is that if we don’t have people to play cricket, the sport will perish.

“I would like to thank all the outgoing Board members for their contribution to date and CGL will be forever grateful and indebted to you for all your efforts.

“I would like to urge all outgoing Board members to avail themselves during this transition to the new Board, support the new Board with all the necessary and related hand-overs and also avail yourself to help wherever you can to support with relevant commercial opportunities that can benefit CGL.

“To all nominees, I would like to wish you all the best in this fantastic journey, please ensure that you make CGL part of your DNA and deliver.

“Those that do not make it as Board members, I would like you to still stay on and take part in the sub-committees and contribute towards the betterment of CGL.

“I would like to end up by thanking all clubs, CGL CEO Jono Leaf-Wright and his operational team, and Greg Fredericks (former CGL CEO) for holding up the fort to date with this transition.

“Imperial as the naming rights sponsor and all our commercial partners for sticking it out with CGL during these difficult times. I thank you all and good luck.”

The CGL CEO, Jono Leaf-Wright, said: “on behalf the CGL family, we would like to thank the outgoing board members and welcome newly appointed directors. We wish all the new directors all the best for a successful journey ahead. We have a lot of work to do to achieve the critical success factors that will allow CGL to continue to be the leaders on many fronts. It is now time for all clubs and cricket leaders in our province to unite and move cricket forward to ensure that we deliver excellence to all our stakeholders.”

Name of Author: Cricket South Africa

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